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Trademark Registration India

Trademark is a unique tool to define or labeling your services and products so that can easily be recognize by target market. Trademark is a universal acceptance tool widely used in all across the world since the time of 18s century. Companies favorably used these trademarks on their promotional materials, letter head, packaging and business papers. These trademarks can be represented in a form of:

  1. Text,
  2. Wording,
  3. Numbers,
  4. Image,
  5. Picture,
  6. Graphical Sketch in 2 D and 3D form.

Every company has unique trademark that depicts to its origin. One can easily enhance the popularity and favorability of the company while using the strategies of trademark services.

Free Trademark Search and our Services - Call at +91-8800-100-281 or mail at to avail the best services in trademark registration in India.
What are the benefits of trademark registration in India ?
  • Trademark expresses the competitive position of its owner to market products and services and becomes an important tool to gain and maintain a competitive position against other competitors. In addition to this function also has the distinctive trade and monopolizing.
  • The trade mark distinguishes the goods or services of different manufacturers or service providers and consumers; thus facilitating the selection of goods deprives anonymity and refers to its origin. Trademark protection also provides consumers and customers a form of guarantee about a certain quality of goods.
  • The mark is also an effective advertising medium that is permanently connected to certain goods particular manufacturer. Further protects investments in advertising and brand promotion of products or services.
  • Registration of trademarks contributes to economic development, particularly by improving the market position in relation to customers, who can thus easily understand the origin of products, further increasing export opportunities through international trademark protection.

Here, we introduce you with the best team of TM attorneys who serve you with the complete set of trademark services in India including free trademark search where our attorneys will provide the status of proposed trademark and guide you about tm application filing and submitting to govern authority. Here we offer the complete segment of logo name registration under the facets of trademark design and how to apply for registration. Besides these; here with us you will find the best of trademark protection, trademark renewal, trademark watch, trademark prosecution and many more TM servicers that come under the trademark act 1999 in India.