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Digital Marketing Company Registration

In this age of high-speed internet and various electronic and information technology devices, businesses and services in various economic sectors are fast becoming digitized, mainly for ensuring undaunted sustainability, greater profitability, and desired growth. Hence, the traditional marketing methods and models are being fast replaced by modern digital marketing techniques and strategies. At global level, the digital marketing receives around US$ 135 billion annually, at present. Consequently, the digital marketing industry has now become a fastest prospering economic industry in India and other nations of the world.

This webpage offers precious and very beneficial information about the digital marketing practices, the digital marketing industry in india, scope of digital marketing in various economic sectors, and our expert and expeditious services for any digital marketing company or agency registration in india, along with other supportive legal services.

It must be noted that the ever-increasing digital marketing/advertising practices have largely changed the scenarios in the sectors of advertising, marketing, and innovative growth strategies of economic entities active in various fields. Companies are now allotting a bulk chunk of their overall marketing expenditure to digital marketing, its execution and efficacious quality, and adoption of a larger variety of digital marketing channels. Hence, the future of digital marketing in India is certainly rather bright and fertile, owing to the facts and factors stipulated under the section just below. And, the last section on this webpage contains information about how to register a digital marketing company in india, to help interested IT professionals and entrepreneurs.

Lets first have a brief introduction to what digital marketing is. Digital marketing is the marketing of products/services of a company which encompasses all those marketing efforts that use digital technologies and channels and/or diverse electronic/information technology devices, such as smartphones. Thus, the ambit of digital marketing also covers non-internet channels besides the online marketing/media. Today, the most common, popular, and effective digital channels and technologies, mainly on the internet, are the following --- Social Media Marketing (SMM); Email Marketing; Content Marketing; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Mobile Marketing; PPC Advertising and Display Advertising; Affiliate Marketing; and many other digital channels/mediums.

A digital marketing company or agency supports its client companies in achieving their respective marketing objectives, through efficient and effective utilization of digital marketing tactics. Meeting all various digital marketing requirements of the clients is the main and ultimate objective of such a digital marketing agency, along with providing expert and viable consultancy over the scope and benefits of digital marketing. At present, some of the most famous and reliable digital marketing companies of india are the following --- Webchutney, Pinstorm, OBBSERV, Gozoop, Antz Media, BC Web Wise, etc. And, the most common and ultimate aims of digital marketing are the following --- generating brand awareness and social engagement, supporting growth in web traffic, quality lead generation and sales, and finding and retaining customers/clients. Again, digital marketing is very elegant for transcending the geophysical barriers, and is capable of making and retaining potential customers and suppliers worldwide. Other salient features associated with digital marketing are instant responses and transactions, cost-effectiveness, convenience & flexibility in making dealings & transactions, and utmost efficacy.

Digital Marketing Industry in India

In India, the scope and future of digital marketing is certainly rather bright and booming, and this industry has so far received exponential growth in almost all economic sectors. The most significant reasons and factors for this, are the following

  • The traditional marketing models and methods are now not enough to reach the targeted, prospective, and potential clients and customers.
  • India has the second-largest Internet population (over 700 million, as of year 2017) in the whole world.
  • India is also the second-largest Facebook and YouTube user in the world.
  • India has around 950 million mobile subscribers at present, out of which at least 50 million have internet-enabled mobile phones.
  • Digital marketing is very useful for reaching out to tier-2 and tier-3 cities of India, in addition to the major metro cities of the country.
  • Regularly growing incomes and changing lifestyles of the middle class in India.
  • Ever-expanding Internet and the 3G and 4G penetration in semi-urban and rural regions of the country.
  • Constant and intense business competitions in almost all sectors.
  • And, the various benefits and advantages offered by digital marketing, which are stipulated above.

These all specialties make India one of the most productive and profitable countries in the whole world in the industry of digital marketing. Today, the majority of (around 70%) and an ever-increasing number of companies and brands located in India (and also abroad) are utilizing digital marketing for promoting their products and services. Again, these companies allocate over 40% of their respective overall marketing budget to digital marketing. Over 70% of the marketers are of the firm opinion that the traditional methods and models are now not sufficient.

The digital media/advertising currently (as of year 2017) accounted for about 15% of the total advertising industry of India (worth around Rs 560 billion, in the year 2017), and this contribution of digital advertising is expected to reach the level of around 25% by the year 2020. According to a report by Dentsu Aegis Network, the Indian digital advertising industry which is worth around Rs 82 billion at present (in year 2017) is highly expected to touch the mark of about Rs 190 billion by the year 2020, growing steadily with a CAGR of 32%. In the year 2016, there were generated about 1.5 Lac job opportunities in the digital marketing industry of India. According to reports and studies by industry experts, the digital marketing industry of India has the potential to grow at the annual growth rate ranging from 25-40% in coming years, while the majority of industries of the country strive for achieving an annual growth rate of 5-10%.

How to Register your Digital Marketing Agency or Company in India?

A digital marketing solutions company could preferably be a private limited company, a one person company, or a limited liability partnership (LLP) firm. Informed under this section are the company registration process for each of these types of companies, and our other services for booming services and growth of such digital marketing companies/agencies. Here, it may also be noted that our internationally famous law firm of Delhi, which has been very popular for online company registration and swift trademark registration for around a decade, also offers services for brand name and logo registrations of digital marketing companies located in entire India.

In general, the tasks related with company incorporation for each of these three suitable companies are the following, our other supportive and securing legal services for such companies being also listed:

  • Getting DSCs and DINs/DPINs for the Directors/Designated Partners of LLP [through Form DIR-3]
  • Checking availability of the proposed company name, and reserving the same
  • Preparing documents like MOA & AOA of the company or LLP Agreement, Consent Letters, Affidavits, Power of Attorney, etc.
  • Filing the application for registration of the selected company, along with submitting other necessary documents to the registrar concerned
  • Acquiring TAN, PAN, GSTIN, Bank Account, Import-Export Code (IEC) of the company
  • Getting necessary permissions or licenses from diverse regulatory bodies
  • Establishing a suitable office and working infrastructure as per ones capabilities and aims
  • Legal services for registration and protection of brands, logos, service-marks, etc., of the digital marketing companies
  • Drafting agreements or contracts associated with services and dealings/transactions of a digital marketing company/agency, its financing or franchising, etc.
  • The annual and periodic compliances by the company with ROC and other regulatory authorities
  • Strategies for smooth growth and desired profitability of the digital marketing company
  • And, various relevant tasks and compliances under different legal Acts and Statutes, such as the Shops and Establishment Act of the concerned State, Labor and Employment Laws, Intellectual Property Laws, Business Laws, Income Tax Act and GSTN, ESI and PF Regulations, International Business, IT Act, etc.

How to Contact for Digital Marketing Company Registration ?

Enthusiastic or ambitious IT professionals or entrepreneurs, may readily avail our excellent and cost-effective legal and advisory services for establishing a digital marketing company/agency (of the desired type) anywhere in India, and also for rendering their services secure and lucrative, just through calling or Whatsapp at: +91-88001-00284; or sending their sincere queries or request for service at:

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