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Architecture Company Registration in India

Architecture is part and parcel of the construction and infrastructure sector in any country. Again, as the construction and infrastructure sector of India is fast-thriving (boosted by the factors stipulated under the section just below), there is certainly rather bright prospects of growth and profitability in India in the profession of architectural services. This webpage informs about legal services for architecture company registration in india, and establishment of its services.

Architecture Company Registration

Interested civil engineers, architecture engineers, structural engineers, and so on, may opt for setting up an architecture company of desired type anywhere in entire India, for extending various architectural services to people and entities engaged in the construction and infrastructure development sector. Some such service-providing architecture companies in india are Morphogenesis (New Delhi, Bangalore); C.P. Kukreja Associates (New Delhi); Oscar & Ponni Architects (Chennai); Shilpa Architects (Chennai); etc. Today in India, the most suitable types of companies for providing architectural services to the mid-range construction projects, particularly at the starting, could be a private limited company, a limited liability partnership (LLP) company, or a public limited company. Exclusive information regarding "how to register an architectural company/firm/agency in india?", belonging to any of these types of companies, is separately provided under the lowest section on this webpage. Our other legal and supportive services for establishment of the architectural services of the company are also described there in brief.

Well-established in Delhi, our rather resourceful law firm extends the full-range of legal and supportive services to all types of companies engaged in various economic sectors of India, related with company incorporation, business management, and the desired growth and profitability. These services also essentially cover the broad-range of legal services for all major categories of intellectual property. Hence, apart from availing our online company registration service, the applicants may also harness our services for the brand name and logo registration in India in the architectural segment. Generally, the logos or service marks of architectural companies are registered under the Class 37 or Class 42, or other coordinated classes of the Nice classification.

Architecture Industry in India and Scope of Work (SOW)

Architecture is an inseparable and vital part of the overall construction and infrastructure industry of any country, say India. Collectively, this industry is also referred to as the Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) industry. It is the architectural engineering which helps in planning, designing, renovations, and aesthetic decorations of any concrete structure or building, such as residential buildings and complexes, malls, railway stations, airports, bridges, hospitals, and so on. Thus, the role of architecture companies of india is undoubtedly very magnificent in shaping and decorating the construction and infrastructure industry of the country in near and far future. Here, it may also be noted that, at present, India is one of the most booming and vibrant markets in the whole world in the architecture field. The paragraphs below, elucidate these statements.

The Construction and Infrastructure industry of India is an immensely significant economic sector, regarded as being the key driver for development and growth in various other economic sectors, and also for establishment of contemporary world-class infrastructure in India. At present, this industry of India employs over 75 million people, contributes around 75% to the Gross Capital Formation (GCF) in the country, and accounts for more than 5% to the national GDP. The Government of India has been giving due importance and priority to development in this construction and infrastructure sector of the country, and at present, it has plans to mobilize US$ One trillion over the next five years, i.e. by the year 2022, with support of interested domestic and international investors. The Smart City Mission and the AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) are included in Governmental plans in this sector. This sector covers establishments of roads & highways, railways, bridges & flyovers, dams, housing, commercial & industrial buildings, and urban infrastructure development.

As far as the international investors in this sector are concerned, India has received a cumulative FDI worth around US$25 billion during April 2000 to December 2017, into the construction development sector (townships, housing, built-up infrastructure, and construction development projects), according to the DIPP (Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion), Govt. of India. Again, as per the recently published reports by the research firms BMI Research and Timetric, the construction sector of India is bound to grow with a high yearly growth rate (around 6%) over the next decade. This growth will be mainly supported by the Governmental support for infrastructure development, FDI, and domestic investors.

How to Register an Architectural Company/Firm/Agency in India?

In addition to an architectural company formation and registration, the professional architects can also avail our wide-range of support services for their smooth and progressive services, well-rounded legal security, and the targeted growth and profitability in future. These services include the following main and most significant tasks and processes:

  • Getting DSCs and DINs/DPINs for the Directors/Designated Partners [Form DIR-3]
  • Approval and reservation of the proposed company name [Form INC-1 or Form-1 (for LLP)]
  • Meticulous and expert drafting of appropriate MOA & AOA or LLP Agreement, Consent Letters, Affidavits, Powers of Attorneys, etc.
  • Filing and processing of the application for company registration [through Form INC-7 or Form-2 (for LLP)]
  • Filing other forms and documents with the concerned ROC
  • Obtaining PAN, TAN, GSTIN, Bank Account, etc., for the architecture company
  • Getting necessary permissions and licenses from the concerned Governmental authorities
  • Comprehensive services for the service mark or logo registration of the architectural company.
  • Preparing various contracts or agreements related with commercial dealings & transactions, various core activities of the architectural company, leasing/hiring of vehicles and machinery, financing, franchising, PR & marketing, etc., of the company
  • All mandatory compliances by the architectural company with ROC and other regulatory authorities
  • Innovative strategies for service growth and greater profitability.
  • Processing and compliances concerned with various other legal Acts and Statutes, such as Real Estate and Construction Laws, Labor and Employment Laws, Intellectual Property Laws, Commercial Laws, ESI and PF Regulations, Environmental Laws, International Business, etc.

How Can I Contact for Registering my Architecture Company?

Interested architects may briskly avail our expert and cost-effective legal and advisory services for registering the selected types of architectural companies in India, and establishing services of the same, just through pinging at: +91-88001-00284; or sending their queries or requests to:

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