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Annual Compliance Filing under Companies Act 2013

An Annual Compliance is a recommended or advisable obedience to any legal regulation or Act promulgated by the concerned Central or State Government or its any Ministry/Department, once in every financial year. The annual compliances may be compulsory or optional. Proper filing of any such compliance with the concerned regulatory body, is referred to as annual compliance filing, which is expected to be punctual. On this particular webpage, we are exclusively concerned with the annual compliance filings by different types of companies located in entire India. Here, it may also be just mentioned that, compliances can also be periodic rather than annual, such as the monthly compliances, quarterly compliances, etc. Perfect and timely compliances are necessary for functioning smoothly and prestigiously by a legally recognized entity in any economic field (this answers 'why company annual filing?' in brief, more info over is given below).

Why Company Annual Compliances Filing ?

As far as companies located in India are concerned, these are required to make many periodic and annual compliances in every financial year, which are related with proper regulation and better corporate governance. In general, the annual and periodic compliances to be performed properly and timely by different types of companies active anywhere in entire India, relate mainly with the following few or all particulars

  • Annual Requirements/Compliances with ROC
  • Tax related Compliances
  • Information about the Appointment/Change of Auditor or Director
  • Compliances connected with AGM
  • Compliances related with Board Meetings
  • Directors' Report
  • GST related compliances
  • CSR related compliances
  • Compliances related with SEBI
  • Event-Based Compliances
  • And, periodic or/and annualcompliances as per various concerned laws, such as environmental law, labor & employment laws, etc.

Compliances under the Companies Act 2013

The periodic and annual compliances under the companies act 2013, have been made more strict and comprehensive, to achieve the objectives ofbetter and transparent management and governance of corporate affairs, and tighter and impeccable regulation of company affairs in entire India.The new Indian Companies Act of 2013 has introduced many significant provisions/changes related with various compliances by companies located in India; refinement in the annual return filing procedure also made. With effect from the financial year 2014-15 onwards, the following are some of the most significant changes/refinements made by the new Indian Companies Act of 2013 and amendments thereto so far:

  • Effective since 1st July 2015, now companies are required to conduct every major and significant meeting (essentially including the Board meeting and AGM) strictly according to the provisions and guidelines given in the Secretarial Standards and Companies Act of 2013.
  • For filing the Annual Return, now Form MGT-7 shall be used, which contains provisions of certification and signing.
  • Now, the Directors Report has been made more comprehensive, including additional elements like the Dates of Board Meetings, the Number of Board Meetings attended by the Directors, compliance to the Sexual Harassment Act, and so on.
  • Now, the things to be covered by the Annual Financial Reports shall be the following --- Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit & Loss; Consolidated Financial Statement; Cash Flow Statement (Except Small Companies and OPC); etc.

Annual compliances Filing for Private Limited Company

As far as the annual compliances filing for private limited company is concerned, the following are the main annual compliances:

  • Annual Return (Form MGT-7)
  • Financial Statements (Form AOC-4)
  • Income Tax Returns

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Annual Compliance Filing for LLP

The mandatory items of the annual compliance filing for llp (limited liability partnership) in India are quite fewer as compared to those necessary for a private or public limited company. The main and statutory annual compliances for LLPs in India are the following:

  • The Annual Return
  • The Statement of Accounts & Solvency (SAS) in Form 8
  • The Income Tax Returns

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Annual Compliances Filing for OPC

Introduced by the new Indian Companies Act of 2013, the One Person Company (OPC) too has only few mandatory annual compliances to be performed every year. The annual compliances filing for opc covers only the following particulars:

  • Annual Return (Form MGT-7)
  • Financial Statements (Form AOC-4)
  • Income Tax Returns (Form ITR-VI)

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Listed Companies Compliance

The mandatory compliances to be made by the listed companies located in India, as per the Companies Act of 2013 and the Rules and Regulations associated with SEBI, are not only largest in number, but the non-compliance of which also attracts heavy penalties and punishments. To know in detail about all various compliances to be made by the companies listed on recognized stock exchanges of India, please read on. These compliances essentially include the following broad categories of annual and periodic compliances:

  • All compliances with the relevant ROC
  • Various compliances under diverse Rules and Regulations related with SEBI
  • Compliances with Tax Departments and GSTN
  • Compliances under all relevant Legal Acts and Statutes
  • And, Event-specific Compliances

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Event Based Company Compliances

The event-based compliances to be made by a company are those necessary and advisable compliances and reporting, which are in addition to the mandatory annual and periodic compliances. In general, the need for event-specific compliances arises when a company performs any adventitious tasks related with business management or corporate governance. The following are some examples of such event-specific compliances:

  • Compliances concerned with addition or removal of any director
  • Reporting required for raising the authorized capital of a company
  • Compliances associated with making the desired alterations in the MOA and AOA

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Retainership secretarial Services

These are the secretarial services which are extended by a competent Chartered Secretary who is retained by the recipient company. The retainership secretarial services cover all services performed by a company secretary, ever required by the concerned company which pays the retainership charges. To discover the wide gamut of such services, please click on the 'Read More' button.

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Company Secretarial Compliances

Company secretarial compliances are all those compliances which a company is required to make with all relevant regulatory/governmental authorities. These compliances cover both the annual and periodic reports, returns, and compliances. However, depending upon the type and activities of a company, these secretarial compliances differ. To know al bout such compliances, interested people and economic entities may click on the given 'Read More' button.

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Secretarial Audit Services

Introduced by the section 204 of the Companies Act of 2013, the secretarial audit services are mandatory for the following categories of public limited companies active in India. These companies are required to get this secretarial auditing done by professional company secretaries (recognized by the Institute of Company Secretary of India), and submit the secretarial audit report along with the Board's report to the concerned ROC every financial year.

  • Every Listed Public Limited Company on any recognized Stock Exchange
  • Every Public Limited Company having a Total Paid-up Share Capital equally to or exceeding 50 Crore; Or its annual Turnover equaling or crossing 250 Crore.

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Statutory ROC Compliances

The statutory ROC compliances are those annual and periodic compliances which a company is required to make with the relevant ROC, depending upon its type and activities. Naturally, the Registrar of Companies (ROC) is the most directly concerned regulatory body for regulating and controlling the activities and obligations of various types of companies. In general, every vital and significant corporate activity, and every change in any registered particulars, are to be timely reported to the ROC concerned. Broadly, these statutory ROC compliances may be classified into the following categories:

  • Annual Compliances
  • Periodic Compliances
  • Event-based Compliances

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Annual Compliances Filing for Partnership Firms

Registered and regulated as per the Indian Partnerships Act of 1932, the main annual compliances filing for partnership firms in India, includes the following:

  • Income Tax Returns (in Form ITR-V)
  • Financial Statements

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Annual Compliances Filing for Proprietorship

The sole proprietorships in India require only minimal mandatory compliances, as these do not avail the benefits of limited liability. Therefore, proprietorship firms are concerned with only tax-related periodic and annual compliances. Hence, the annual compliances filing for proprietorship covers mainly the following:

  • Annual Income Tax Returns

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Annual Compliances Filing for Startups

Initiated and promoted by the "Start-up India" campaign of Modi government, Startups are also required to make various periodic and annual compliances with the related regulatory bodies. In general, the annual compliances filing for startups covers the following main tasks:

  • Annual Return (Form MGT-7)
  • Financial Statements (Form AOC-4)
  • Income Tax Returns

Annual Compliances Filing for NGO

NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), existing in forms of Societies, Trusts, or Section-8 Companies, are also required to make some annual and periodic compliances with the concerned regulatory bodies. As far as their annual compliances are concerned, the following are the main particulars covered by the annual compliances filing for ngo in general:

  • Annual Report and the updated List of the members of Governing Body
  • Financial Statements
  • Income Tax Returns
  • Compliance under the FCRA, 2010
  • Important Resolutions
  • And, relevant Compliances under the Legal Authorities relating to the Labor and Employment Law, Shops and Establishments Act, Pollution Control, etc.

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Roc Annual Compliance Filing AMC

Available are our expert, efficient, and cost-effective services for the Annual Mandatory Compliances (AMCs) of the all COMPANY TYPE including Private Limited, OPC, LLP, and Listed Companies etc. located and active anywhere in entire India, and belonging to Indian or Foreign Nationals.

How We Help with Company Annual Compliance Filing ?

Companies, firms, and organizations located in India, irrespective of their specific types, may get more information about their respective annual and periodic compliances, the forms used, and the required enclosures, Just through calling over: +91-81303-00046; Or sending their relevant queries to: Or Fill Query Form. Our expert and efficient compliance filing services have been rather popular in India.


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